Endorsement Registry
Endorsement involves a standardized process to determine that a professional has accumulated specialized experiences in the infant/early childhood field and has signed a Code of Ethics. All Endorsement applicants receive a copy of the Code of Ethics. Experiences are documented by the submission of an application that details competency-based training, specialized work experiences, and for most, reflective supervision/consultation (RSC) experiences. The application also includes submission of reference rating forms on behalf of the applicant. Endorsees as Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist and Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Mentor have passed an exam that includes measures of theoretical knowledge, direct service skills, and their capacity to apply these principles into practice.
Maintaining Endorsement requires ongoing training and, in the cases of Infant/Early Childhood Family Specialist, Infant/Early Childhood Family Reflective Supervisor, Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Specialist and Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Mentor-Clinical, ongoing RSC. Endorsees are required to recommit to upholding the Code of Ethics annually. However, the AIMH Endorsement does not offer monitoring for ethics violations.
Endorsement is not a professional license or a certificate. AIMH Endorsement cannot guarantee the quality of service of any endorsed professional. AIMH Endorsement does not include a process by which complaints or concerns regarding ethics can be filed.
Name | Endorsement Category |
Kathryn A. Manfield | Infant Family Specialist |
Robin Akram | Infant Family Specialist |
Ruth Avila | Infant Family Specialist |
Maria Avila | Infant Family Specialist |
Laura Beauregard | Infant Family Specialist |
Brittani Bey | Infant Family Specialist |
Kimberly Bourque | Infant Family Specialist |
Tarsha Bradshaw | Infant Family Specialist |
Jacqueline Caceres | Infant Family Specialist |
Maria Camila Lopez Rodriguez | Infant Family Specialist |
Terri Chebot | Infant Family Specialist |
Leah Clements | Infant Family Specialist |
Corina Coleman | Infant Family Specialist |
Allison Comport | Infant Family Specialist |
Christine Crea | Infant Family Specialist |
Laura Crosby | Infant Family Specialist |
Claudia Cruz | Infant Family Specialist |
Karen Culkeen | Infant Family Specialist |
Charisse Davis Diaz | Infant Family Specialist |
Debra DeAlmeida | Infant Family Specialist |
Leticia Demello | Infant Family Specialist |
Camille Diaz | Infant Family Specialist |
Melissa Dickieson | Infant Family Specialist |
Jayna Doherty | Infant Family Specialist |
Laurie Foster | Infant Family Specialist |
Donna Foti Scovell | Infant Family Specialist |
Jaclyn Freestone | Infant Family Specialist |
Andrea Furtado | Infant Family Specialist |
Neisha Garcia | Infant Family Specialist |
Stacey Gay | Infant Family Specialist |
sandra Gomez | Infant Family Specialist |
Mayraliz Gongon Lopez | Infant Family Specialist |
Andree Gonzalez-Olivo | Infant Family Specialist |
Kathleen Groom-Nguyen | Infant Family Specialist |
kaltun Guled | Infant Family Specialist |
Latifah Hasan | Infant Family Specialist |
Kaori Hattori de Panepinto | Infant Family Specialist |
Sharin Horvitz-Chung | Infant Family Specialist |
Alejandra Huot | Infant Family Specialist |
Claudia Joacine | Infant Family Specialist |
Janilia John | Infant Family Specialist |
Samantha Kain-Call | Infant Family Specialist |
Rose Kaufman | Infant Family Specialist |
Wendy Kennedy | Infant Family Specialist |
Marisela Lara | Infant Family Specialist |
Kia Leger | Infant Family Specialist |
Isabel Lopez | Infant Family Specialist |
Claudia-Daniela Luiz | Infant Family Specialist |
Chloe Macdonald | Infant Family Specialist |
Margaret Manning | Infant Family Specialist |
Lisa March | Infant Family Specialist |
Megan Marin | Infant Family Specialist |
Natalie McCann | Infant Family Specialist |
Neena McConnico | Infant Family Specialist |
Maria Menjivar | Infant Family Specialist |
Victoria Mikalixen | Infant Family Specialist |
Laura Miller | Infant Family Specialist |
Marsela Mitrushi | Infant Family Specialist |
Angie Morrell | Infant Family Specialist |
Alyssa Nazareno | Infant Family Specialist |
Carol Nolan | Infant Family Specialist |
Kumi Okabe | Infant Family Specialist |
E. Paige Menchini | Infant Family Specialist |
Yaraluz Pena | Infant Family Specialist |
Sandra Perdomo | Infant Family Specialist |
Emily Pleasant | Infant Family Specialist |
Sandrine Quessa | Infant Family Specialist |
Cindy Ramirez | Infant Family Specialist |
Claudia Ramos | Infant Family Specialist |
Danielle Rice | Infant Family Specialist |
Tracy Rich | Infant Family Specialist |
Nancy Ritz | Infant Family Specialist |
Severiana Rodriguez | Infant Family Specialist |
Kathryn Roman | Infant Family Specialist |
Kate Roper | Infant Family Specialist |
Alexandra Rossetti | Infant Family Specialist |
Melanie Salort | Infant Family Specialist |
Alisha Santos | Infant Family Specialist |
Prity Shah | Infant Family Specialist |
Tenzin Shawa | Infant Family Specialist |
Lakia Small | Infant Family Specialist |
Lisa Sorrento | Infant Family Specialist |
Deborah Spencer | Infant Family Specialist |
Terry Stange | Infant Family Specialist |
Angela Swinton | Infant Family Specialist |
Maria T. Curtin-McKenna | Infant Family Specialist |
Antonella Takats | Infant Family Specialist |
Carla Therriault | Infant Family Specialist |
Ladan Thompson | Infant Family Specialist |
Gwen Van Baalen | Infant Family Specialist |
Patricia Webber | Infant Family Specialist |
Celeste Whitehouse | Infant Family Specialist |
Celeste Whitehouse | Infant Family Specialist |
Sara Yablon-Smith | Infant Family Specialist |
Maria Yolanda Parra | Infant Family Specialist |
Emily Zammuto | Infant Family Specialist |